Austin Magic Cleaners

Privacy Policy


1. Effective Date

Privacy Policy for Upholstery & Rug Cleanerz | 2528037 Ontario Inc. and its various subsidiaries and affiliates.

2. Implementation

Our senior management and legal departments are responsible for the operation of our privacy program and compliance with this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”). Protecting your privacy is important to Upholstery & Rug Cleanerz
| 2528037 Ontario Inc. and its various subsidiaries and affiliated brands, as amended from time to time (collectively, “we”, “us”, or “our”). We strive to maintain your confidence and trust in all our dealings with you.

3. Definition of Purposes

We collect, use, disclose and store your personal information only for the purposes for which it was collected or for purposes permitted or required by law. We will not collect, use, disclose or store personal information for any other purpose unless we have your consent to do so.

We may collect personal information from you for the following purposes:

  • to inform you about new promotions, products and services offered by us;

  • to provide you with the services you have requested;

  • provide you with information about the franchise.

  • to improve our level of service;

  • conduct customer satisfaction surveys;

  • answer your questions;

  • offer you additional products and services that we think you may be interested in;

  • provide service notices;

We may share your personal information with our employees and business partners.

Information will only be shared as necessary to provide services to you or for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

We may also share your personal information with the following organizations:

  • our subsidiaries;

  • government agencies and law enforcement officials when required to respond to subpoenas, court orders, or legal proceedings, or to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims.

  • non-affiliated service providers with whom we may subcontract, including website hosting companies, fulfillment companies, payment processing companies and other third party service providers; as well as

4. Consent

We need your consent in order to provide products or services to you. We will ask for consent to collect, use, disclose or retain your personal information. The exceptions to when we will ask for consent are set out in this Privacy Policy, or when we are authorized or required by law. Consent may be express, implied or given through an authorized representative such as a lawyer, agent or broker. Explicit consent may be given orally, in writing or electronically. Implied consent is when we can reasonably infer consent from your circumstances.

You can withdraw or revoke your consent to the collection, use, disclosure or retention of personal information. This feedback or denial may prevent us from providing you with a product or service.

You can opt out of receiving marketing or other communications from us at any time. To do this, contact us at or +1 (647) 848-13-95 call usat.

5. Limitation of Collection, Use, Disclosure and Storage

We strive to limit the amount of personal information we collect to what is necessary and appropriate for certain purposes. We will not use or disclose your personal information for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with your consent or as required by applicable law. Personal information will only be kept for the period of time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which we collected it, or for the period of time that may be required by law.

6. Accuracy and Security

We are committed to ensuring that your personal information is accurate, complete, current and secure. Personal information will be protected by security measures appropriate to the level of confidentiality of information. We take all necessary precautions to protect your Personal Information from any loss or theft, unauthorized use, access or disclosure, copying or modification.

7. Access to personal information

You have the right to access your personal information held by us. You also have the right to challenge the accuracy and completeness of the information, and to make the necessary changes to this information.

We will respond to a request for access to your personal information within 30 business days. We will require you to verify your identity to ensure that the access request is legitimate. We may ask you to indicate the type of information you would like to access. If we are unable to comply with a request for access within 30 business days, written notice of an extension will be provided within 30 days of the request.

8. Cross-border data flow

We may from time to time transfer your personal information across borders to third parties for processing. Any transfer of your personal information across international borders will be subject to this Privacy Policy and all applicable laws in effect at the time.

9. Challenging Compliance

You have the right to challenge our organization’s compliance with this Privacy Policy. If for any reason you are concerned about our compliance with this Privacy Policy, we encourage you to contact our Legal Department as set out in this Privacy Policy.

10. Transfer of business

As we develop further, we may sell or buy assets of similar companies. In such transactions, customer and user information is usually one of the business assets transferred. In addition, in the event that all or substantially all of our assets are acquired, such information may be one of those transferred assets and we reserve the right to buy or sell such assets.

11. Additional Rights

11.1 Categories

of Personal Information We Collect Personal information that we collect or have received from consumers in the past 12 months includes the following categories:

  • Identifiers such as your name, address (including email address) and telephone number;

  • Customer records such as billing and shipping address and credit card information;

  • Commercial information such as purchased services;

  • Internet activity such as your interaction with the Site;

We collect, use, disclose and store these categories of personal information for the purposes described in Section 3 (Identification of Purposes) of this Privacy Policy. Personal information will only be kept for the period of time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which we collected it, or for the period of time that may be required by law.

11.2 Right to know and delete

Consumers have the right to delete the personal information we have collected from you. Upon receipt of a request, we usually do our best to delete your personal information. However, under certain circumstances, we will be required to retain your personal information in accordance with the permitted exceptions set out in applicable law, such as for our legitimate internal business purposes or to comply with legal obligations. If we are unable to comply with your deletion request, we will notify you. You also have the right to know certain information about our data practices for the previous 12 months. In particular, you have the right to request the following from us:

  • the categories of personal information we have collected about you;

  • The categories of sources from which the personal information was collected;

  • The categories of personal information about you that we disclose for business purposes or sell;

  • The categories of third parties to whom personal information has been disclosed for business purposes or sold;

  • The business or commercial purpose of collecting or selling personal information; and

  • specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you.

11.3 Right to Opt

Out We do not normally sell information in the traditional sense of the term “sale”. However, to the extent that we sell your personal information in accordance with the definition of the term “sale” under applicable law (for example, if “sale” is interpreted to include advertising technologies such as those disclosed in Section 12.2 of this Privacy Policy), You have the right to opt out of the sale of your personal information to third parties at any time.

11.4 Authorized Agent

You have the right to appoint an Authorized Agent to submit requests on your behalf. To

exercise this right, we will need written confirmation of the agent’s permission to do so and a direct verification of your identity.

11.5 Right to non-discrimination

We will not discriminate against you for exercising any of the rights described in this Privacy Policy.

12. Specific Terms of Use of

this Site or by providing us with personal information through

or in connection with this Site, you consent to the collection, use, disclosure and storage of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you do not consent to the collection, use, disclosure and storage of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy, you may not use this Site.

12.1Tracking Technology

We collect non-personal information about our website traffic and usage patterns through the use of technologies such as cookies and web beacons. Cookies are small text files that help us personalize the content of the Site. Web beacons are electronic files used to track your navigation through a website or set of sites, transaction completion, application serving, and browsing behavior.

We use cookies and other tracking technologies to understand and store your preferences for future visits, track advertisements, and collect aggregate data about site traffic and site interaction so that we can offer better site experiences and tools in the future. We may contract with third party service providers to help us better understand our website visitors. These service providers are permitted to use the information collected on our behalf to help us run and improve our business. If you wish, you can disable all cookies in your browser settings. However, if you disable cookies, some of our services may not function properly.

12.2 Online Behavioral Advertising

We use third party advertising companies to display ads when you visit the Site. These companies may use information about your visits to this and other websites to provide advertisements for goods and services of interest to you. We have no control over, and are not responsible for, the methods or technologies used, or any information collected by third party advertising companies.

12.3 Information we collect automatically

When you visit the Site, we collect some basic information that does not identify individual users. This includes pages visited, types of products purchased and reviews from our visitors, as well as location data, logs and other communication data, and information about your computer and Internet connection, including your IP address, operating system and browser type.

Third party advertising companies may use non-personally identifiable information (such as information about clickstream, browser type, time and date, the subject of the advertisement clicked or scrolled through) during your visits to this and other websites. These companies typically use cookies or third party web beacons to collect this information. These third party cookies do not collect personal information. For more information about cookies and how to opt out of third-party data collection, please see the Tracking Technologies section of this Privacy Policy.

12.4 Information you specifically provide

We collect information that you voluntarily provide when registering to access and use certain parts of the Site. We also collect information from you that is necessary to identify you and to process and fulfill your requests for information or services from us or to provide you with franchise information. If you interact with our Site by ordering services, submitting reviews, joining a mailing list, writing a review or comment, or requesting any information about a franchise, you may provide us with personal information, including but not limited to:

  • First and last name

  • Address

  • Email address

  • telephone number

You may choose not to provide certain personal information, but then you may not be able to use certain features of the Site and we may not be able to provide you with certain services or information.

12.5 Our use of your personal information

We use your personal information to make the Site more useful and for the purposes set out in Section 3 of this Privacy Policy.

In addition, we may also use your IP address and information about the web pages you visit to collect broad demographic, interest, and behavioral information so that we can better understand the users of our Site. This information may be used, for example, to analyze and improve the design and functionality of our Site.

We may also share your non-personal information to provide you with personalized advertising that is relevant to your interests when you visit our Site, as well as other websites.

You may opt-out of the use of your information at any time, subject to applicable legal restrictions and by notifying us or our third-party advertising partner in advance, as the case may be. To learn more about how your information is used, or to opt-out of our third-party advertising partner’s use of your information, please visit the Network Advertising Initiative by clicking here. If you delete your cookies, use a different browser, or buy a new computer, you will need to update your opt-out selection.

12.6 Protecting Children’s Privacy

The Site is not intended for children and does not provide products or services for use by children. We do not knowingly collect information from anyone under the age of 18. If you are under 18, you may only browse the Site under the supervision of a parent or guardian, and you may not use any part of the Site that requires the collection of personal information from you.

12.7 Linked Internet Sites

The Site may contain hypertext links to other websites, which may contain privacy statements different from those set out here. We do not control and are not responsible for the collection, use, disclosure or storage of any information collected through these websites and we expressly disclaim any liability associated with such collection, use, disclosure or storage. You are advised to review the privacy policies of any other websites that may be linked to from the Site.

12.8 Security

We use a variety of standard security measures to ensure the security of your online session. While the Site has security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of information under our control, we cannot guarantee that such security measures will be sufficient, that they will not be breached, or that your information may not be disclosed. or otherwise available. in any unauthorized way. Certain information may be sent to you by email. While it may be illegal to intercept or disclose these communications, these transmissions are not secure.

12.9 Modification

As we expand and add new features to this Site or as legal requirements change, we may

change this Privacy Policy from time to time in our sole discretion and without prior notice or liability to you or any other person. Our collection, use, disclosure and storage of your personal information will be governed by the then-current version of this Privacy Policy. Any changes to this Privacy Policy come into force from the moment they are posted on the Site.Your continued engagement with us or use of this Site following the posting of any changes to this Privacy Policy will constitute your consent to the collection, use, disclosure and storage of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy, as amended. Accordingly, when you use this Site, you should check the date of this Privacy Policy and ensure that you are aware of any changes from the last version and that you are familiar with the most current version.

Note: This Privacy Policy has been prepared to ensure compliance with applicable laws, including Canadian privacy law and the California Consumer Privacy Act.
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